- 479-841-3699
- Natural Soybean and Grain Alliance, 700 Research Center Blvd, Fayetteville, AR, 72701
- dkellycartwright@gmail.com
- 479-575-7446
The Natural Soybean and grain Alliance
NSGA has been a cooperative partner in numerous economic development and research projects since inception. Currently, the organization is working with Winrock International and several cooperative entities on a multi-state project to evaluate optimal practices for Mid-South farmers in regard to organic field production. The use of cover crops is foundational to the project and results are disseminated through a number of demonstration sites in Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas and Tennessee. As well, workshops, field days, social media and traditional communications are being used to provide updates, pertinent information and results. A more detailed project description is attached (below). And a pictorial of the demo sites as well as a presentation on organic markets.
This work is being conducted under the USDA Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative (OREI) program and, per that, being funded by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative.
Click on the link above to see the announcement article by Winrock International regarding the project.